Air Purification To The Next Level
Dehumidification and humidification work to preserve, and restore, your property.

Air purification can take on several meanings depending upon the impurity or contaminant present. The relative humidity is a key factor in maintaining the comfort of the indoor environment and the Lehigh Valley is particularly prone to high humidity levels primarily in the warmer months.
Too high humidity leads to feeling “sticky” in warm months and cold and clammy in winter months while too low a humidity leads to dry mouth, nose, and throat particularly in cold months.
Another difficulty with high humidity is that it can lead to the growth of mold, potentially resulting in further adverse health effects. Contact us today!
Air Care & Restoration
Air Care & Restoration has considerable experience evaluating humidity levels, designing and installing systems to maintain humidity at a healthy, comfortable and desirable level in terms of minimizing the opportunity for mold growth. We have done humidity control projects in homes, businesses, universities, and health care facilities. Dehumidification and humidification are best done by Air Care. Read more about Air Care here.